
Insource stands against racism.

It is heartbreaking to witness the pain and trauma caused to Black and Asian Desi Pacific Island Americans (ADPIA) from acts of racism, discrimination and injustice. We share in the sadness, disappointment, fear, and frustration facing our country, colleagues and families at this time. We believe it is not right to observe in silence.

Sadly, things haven’t changed since the 2020 murder of George Floyd. The random violence against black people continues in 2022. On May 14th, Payton Gendron brutally shot and killed 10 innocent people in Buffalo, New York. On April 4, 2022 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Patrick Lyoya was shot in the back of the head during a traffic stop for improper vehicle registration. On February 2, 2022 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a 22-year-old Black man named Amir Locke – asleep and shown to be holding a gun upon awakening – was shot and killed. It is clear from the video footage that Amir was not given a chance.

It is heartbreaking to remember the tragic event of the Atlanta mass shooting on March 16, 2021. And what happened in Minnesota to 20-year-old Daunte Wright on April 11, 2021 and George Floyd in 2020. And the killings of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, Stephon Clark in California, Atatiana Jefferson and Botham Jean in Texas, Eric Garner in New York, and hundreds of other Black and ADPIA people, unarmed human beings. And as the years go by, we are still dealing

with unspeakable tragedies. Just recently, Illinois resident Sonya Massey called 911 to report an intruder in her yard and was mistakenly and tragically killed by the sheriff’s department who were supposed to be protecting her.

Nearly 3,800 hate crimes against Asian Americans in cities across the country have been reported to the group Stop AAPI Hate during the first year of the pandemic. Unfortunately, this trend continues. According to the 2024 STATTUS Index Survey by the Asian American Foundation, 41% of Asian Americans think they are likely to be the victim of a physical attack and 59% of Asian Americans think it is at least somewhat likely that they will be a victim of discrimination in the next five years because of their race, ethnicity or religion. These hate crimes along with what happened in NYC to Christian Cooper while bird-watching highlight what Black and ADPIA people live with on a daily basis.

At Insource, we do not have the answers. We cannot independently eradicate systemic racism. However, Insource does and will continue to champion diversity. We will continue to have difficult conversations about race with honesty and compassion, to make Insource better and to play our role in improving the world we share and the clients we support.

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

As a company, Insource shows our commitment through our words and actions. We respect all views and voices. We continue to look for ways to embody our commitment and encourage others to do the same.

Specifically, we are:

  • Continuing to do everything we can to attract, support and nurture a diverse workforce. We are proud to have a diverse team, and use a lens of diversity in all of our work.
  • Dedicated to supporting our employee community, particularly those who have experienced racism or discrimination, now and always.
  • Actively urging employees who have experienced racism from anyone connected to Insource – whether it be a staff member, a client, a vendor – to share the event with our leadership.
  • Recognizing that we cannot understand every experience that Black, Indigenous, Asian American Pacific Island (AAPI) or LGBTQIA++ people live through, working to educate ourselves and others through open and honest conversations.
  • Expanding our services to include facilitation and training designed to expand awareness on issues related to bias, inequality and racism.
  • Regularly donating to organizations that fight inequality and are identified by our individual staff. We encourage and facilitate engagement with those organizations working towards positive change in our society, beyond our staff’s work through Insource.

This is still just the beginning. By soliciting ideas from our staff for ways we can most efficiently help, we will use our collective experiences and wisdom to come up with a course of action that will be most effective in ending racial inequality. We urge you to join in your own way, at your own organization and beyond.

A smile or a tear has not nationality; joy and sorrow speak alike to all nations, and they, above all the confusion of tongues, proclaim the brotherhood of man. – Frederick Douglas

Last updated: August 6, 2024

Regaining DEI Momentum

We are pleased to share this webinar discussion from the Charles River Regional Chamber’s “Regaining DEI Momentum" about ways to encourage DEI efforts in organizational settings that included Insource Chief People Officer DaQuall Graham as a featured panelist.